III wojna światowa nie będzie toczyć się na polach bitewnych to wojna o nasze serca i dusze to wojna zła z dobrem szatana z Bogiem wojna kłamstwa z prawdą starca oddającego ostatnie tchnienie wojna z nowonarodzonym dzieckiem nabierającym pierwszy oddech wojna nicości ubranej w nowe szaty świata z wiecznością otuloną…
It is simply unbelievable how far the cancer of manipulation, propaganda, and perverse misdirection has spread in the mainstream media. The majority of journalists speak in the same incurious voice, and their publications look like carbon copies of an editorial in a totalitarian party’s newspaper. Once heeding the call to…
Places of Passage . two centuries ago two centuries since a romantic poem pictured and indicted . we sought our own niche a place safe and familiar we rented rooms from the dead with warped flooring a balcony and a view of the river . we kept essentials close at…
Aleksander Rybczynski speaks with Joseph Brodsky Aleksander Rybczyński: In your 1987 Nobel Prize lecture, you write: “There are, as we know, three modes of cognition: analytical, intuitive, and the mode that was known to the biblical prophets, revelation. What distinguishes poetry from other forms of literature is that is uses all…
“I started writing music in an avant-garde styles, but I always felt an importance of audience and how much, what I create is connecting with the general public, the listeners…” please follow the conversation with Canadian composer Marjan Mozetich, recorded on video below. “Im bardziej byłem uczciwy wobec siebie, tym…